5 Essential Things to Look for With Student Housing in Oxford

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There is plenty of student housing in Oxford, but it’s important to know what one’s priorities are when searching for this housing. Here is a quick overview of the five things to consider before choosing a place.

1. On-Campus vs. Off-Campus Housing

First-year students almost always have to live on campus. But after that first year, they have more choices. They can choose between on-campus and off-campus housing. Each has its pros and cons, so it comes down to student preference and budget. Explore all options to make a confident decision.

2. Proximity to Campus

Students choosing off-campus housing must consider its proximity to campus and the commute time. If the student doesn’t have a car, is transportation available to and from campus and other locations? Some off-campus housing has a shuttle service. Do the shuttle service hours match up with the student’s schedule?

3. Is the Housing Secure?

Whether living on or off campus, students’ safety must always come first. Learn more about the security measures in place to keep students safe.

4. What’s Included in the Price?

Students moving into off-campus housing must know what’s included in the price. Is the apartment furnished? Does it have all utilities? Is there an extra parking charge? Ask a lot of questions, so there are no surprises.

5. Understand the Lease Agreement

Before signing a lease, make sure the terms are agreeable. Is it an individual lease? Can the student stay in the apartment after the school year ends?

For help choosing student housing in Oxford, check out The Verge at https://thevergemiami.com.

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