As you plan to return to college for another semester, it may be time to reconsider your living situation. Rather than staying in the dorms for another lengthy period, consider renting LSU off-campus housing. This option provides you with a wealth of benefits that make it worthwhile to give up the convenience of dorm life.
. This option provides you with a wealth of benefits that make it worthwhile to give up the convenience of dorm life.
You’ll Still Be Close
Living off campus doesn’t mean you’ll be compromising your education by living far from the campus. In fact, most student housing communities are located within walking distance of the campus. It might take you a few extra minutes to get to your class, but you can still experience everything that college life has to offer.
There Will Be More Room
A one-bedroom unit will provide you with much more living space than you would have in your dorm. You’ll have a spacious living and dining area for entertaining guests while keeping your bedroom private and secluded. If you want even more room, get a friend to rent a two-bedroom unit with you.
Enjoy More Security and Privacy
When you stay in LSU off-campus housing, you’ll have the freedom to come and go as you please. This allows you to stay out a little later, or you can take on a part-time job in the late evenings. You’ll also feel safer with the heightened security features that you just won’t find on a college campus.
Find out why you should make Ion Baton Rouge your new home when you visit their website at